WELCOME TO shreedesigner

Our Stroy

How we started

Brainchild of a doctor mother of a 2 year old girl, shree designers started off as a simple dress designing unit for infants and girls. The idea was to design unique, trendy and customized outfits without compromising on the quality. What started as a means to kill time while parenting, soon became a go to means for those looking out for customized and unique outfits.

Here we are

We've always challenged ourselves with the latest trends and styles and made sure that we are updated without losing the traditional touch. This set out the path for us to go all out with the online app and online site for facilitating sales for indian and NRI customers.

Celebrating 10 years

As we mark our 10th year, there could be no better time than this to launch our website.

All through the journey, we've kept our promise of designing outfits with quality at affordable prices. In spite of designing with a view to meet the latest trends and styles, we've kept the designs original.

We constantly strive to achieve the quality, gain the satisfaction and popularity of our valuable customers. We promise to keep our designs original and unique as always in our future endeavours too.